Promote Health by Reducing Physical Stress
February 21, 2023

The first step to reducing physical stress on your body is to identify the activities that cause stress to your muscles, bones, and joints. Once you identify those stressful activities, you can then determine what to do differently to reduce the stress that your body experiences.

Start paying attention to how you hold your body’s posture while you sit at your desk, talk on the phone, and while driving your vehicle. You may begin to observe a few things that you could work on. 

From holding the phone to your ear with your shoulder as your head is bent to the side, to crossing one leg over the other as you sit behind your desk, to sleeping on your stomach as your head and neck is rotated to one side. There are numerous activities that will potentially cause your body great stress.

Abnormal body postures and positions are responsible for many of the aches, pains, and conditions that people commonly suffer from.

It would be next to impossible to maintain “perfect body posture” with all activities. That is one of the reasons why chiropractic care is so vitally important in keeping yourself and your family healthy. 

Receiving a periodic chiropractic adjustment, even when you “feel fine” will help you maintain healthy alignment and optimal body function.

Once your body has reached stability we recommend that you return periodically for a wellness or maintenance adjustment. Some patients refer to this as “getting a tune-up”.

Our goal is to help you to improve your health and well being as best possible. Proper diet, exercise, and maintaining good body posture are all key elements to your overall health. We encourage you to embrace your own health and do everything you can to preserve your wellness.